Summit Junior Fortnightly Club
Summit Junior Fortnightly Club is now The Fortnightly Club of Summit
July 2021. It is with great excitement that we announce the forging of the two Fortnightly Clubs in Summit: The Summit Junior Fortnightly Club and the Fortnightly Club of Summit!
These two clubs started as one, The Fortnightly Club, in 1893, and split into two clubs in 1932 due to a sizable membership and a desire for the younger members to have their own group. Nearly ninety years later, we have reunited the two clubs, while keeping our mission to serve our surrounding communities, with a focus on improving the welfare of women and children.
The fundraising, projects, and activities that are near and dear to our hearts will continue. And with the combination of manpower, we can make a more of a difference. The Summit Junior Fortnightlies will recognize Adopt-A-Class, Spelling Bee, SHIP cooking, etc., and the Fortnightlies will be familiar with fundraising for our Scholarships, special events, Book Club and so much more. In the late Spring we are hoping to get back to the theater – we will keep you posted.

Summit Junior Fortnightly Club is a 501 (c)3 women’s social and service organization dedicated to volunteerism and fundraising, with a focus on improving the welfare of families and children within our community.
Past Presidents of Summit Junior Fortnightly Club
2020-2021 Monica Boyd & Kate Morrison
2019-2020 Brianne Finnegan & Megan Vartan
2018-2019 Beverly Brown & Amy Robb
2017-2018 Jennifer Richter & Rosie Zbeda
2016-2017 Shelly Davies
2015-2016 Shelly Davies & Tina Walker
2014-2015 Sandy Chambers & Lisa Parkins
2013-2014 Wendi Porretti
2012-2013 Wendi Porretti & Jenna Sullivan
2011-2012 Kelly Iacovelli & Liz Pollock
2010-2011 Lucy Lord & Stephanie Perrone
2009-2010 Elizabeth Molnar-Girouard & Christine Gottesman
2008-2009 Julie Adams & Tracy Claus
2007-2008 Dawn Calvetti & Julie McTernan
2006-2007 Colleen Chambers & Terri Schlenger
2004-2006 Kathy Branchina & Danielle Maloney
2003-2004 Lynn Reed & Diane Dresdale-Rogoff
2002-2003 Lorraine Bowyer & Lynn Reed
2001-2002 Lorraine Bowyer & Kelly Sandulli
1999-2001 Terry Andrews & Amanda Ford
1998-1999 Kathy Hugin
1997-1998 Vicki Weber & Sharon Hoobler
1996-1997 Lisa Ophel & Vicki Weber
1994-1996 Valeria Garcia & Joanne Love
1992-1994 Sheila Pelzer
1991-1992 Nancy Flannery
1989-1991 Mrs. Todd Sitomer
1987-1989 Mrs. Peter Needham
1986-1987 Mrs. Daniel Keating
1984-1986 Mrs. David Porter
1982-1984 Mrs. John K. Mell, Jr.
1980-1982 Mrs. Anthony Rudy
1979-1980 Mrs. Ben Hander
1978-1979 Mrs. W. Barton Wood
1976-1978 Mrs. Roger F. Rew
1975-1976 Mrs. H. Arthur Cornell
1974-1975 Mrs. William Wenslau
1973-1974 Mrs. James Anderson
1972-1973 Mrs. Alfred E. Schretter
1971-1972 Mrs. James Clark
1970-1971 Mrs. Alan Woodruff
1968-1970 Mrs. Kenneth Scherer
1967-1968 Mrs. William B. Greer, Jr.
1965-1967 Mrs. Watson B. Smith, Jr.
1964-1965 Mrs. Robert Osborne
1962-1964 Mrs. Kenneth Robson, Jr.
1960-1962 Mrs. Henry Stricker
1959-1960 Mrs. Philip Regan
1957-1959 Mrs. Richard Garton
1955-1957 Mrs. Herbert Strong
1953-1955 Mrs. William Ruch
1951-1953 Miss Anita Campagna
1949-1951 Miss Pauline Matte
1948-1949 Mrs. Richard Merrell
1946-1948 Miss Mildred Hoogstraat
1943-1946 Miss Dorothy Morse
1942-1943 Miss Dorothy Blaesing
1941-1942 Miss Alison Anderson
1938-1941 Mrs. Robert Dunsmore
1937-1938 Miss Florence Corcoran
1936-1937 Miss Hazel Justice
1935-1936 Mrs. John Leavens
1934-1935 Miss Ruth Voorhees
1933-1934 Miss Adrienne Louis
1932-1933 Miss Pauline Witike